Why I'm dogging on the WFTDA's annual championship tournament series.
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I just recently turned 30 and I find that the older I get the more annoyed I get with the littlest things. I hate driving to work and sharing the road with people who have no concept of how their turn signals work. I detest hipsters, who look homeless, that order shots of Patron at the bar. If you are a guy in a band with dyed black bangs covering your eyes, I want to punch you in the face. I would rather be water boarded than go to a mall. At this point I am 5 years away from being Andy Rooney with full sleeves.
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“Back in the ‘good old days’ of modern derby (not even ten years ago, btw), part of the goddam POINT of it was to not be like other sports.
To not be mainstream.
To not blend in.
Because we do that every damn day in our regular lives, for the most part. Roller derby was never really considered a mainstream sport, ever.”
— Tara Armov, [Knuckle Dragging 101: Derby Rant (10/06/10)][1]
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CC at the 2010 Western Regional Tournament - her last time skating in Westerns? On to the Easy East (just kidding).
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The biggest weekend in roller derby is upon as we are a few scant days away from The 2010 WFTDA Championships, [Uproar on the Lakeshore][1]. 12 of the best teams will be traveling from all over the United States to Chicago, Illinois but only 1 will be leaving with the WFTDA Championship trophy, the Hydra, in their luggage. We here at Roller Derby Inside Track will be writing and discussing Uproar on the Lakeshore all this week. Today I am going to kick things off with my bracket breakdown.
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Later this week, derby fan both fresh and battered will be heading to the UIC Pavilion to watch the 2010 WFTDA Championship games. This will be my first derby National Championship, but not my first derby experience in UIC Pavilion. My team the Cincinnati Violent Lambs played the Windy City Second Wind there earlier this year. In case you were wondering the
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The WFTDA Championships, [Uproar on the Lakeshore][1] promised to be a historic event in roller derby, but now it will be one of the most memorable for another reason; this might be the last time we see [Suzy Hotrod][2] in a Gotham Girls Roller Derby uniform.
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][1]Over the course of 12 days and 68 games, the Top 40 teams battled it out from each of the WFTDA’s 4 regions. After 4 weeks of regional playoffs action the WFTDA Championships have been made clear as the top 3 teams from each region advanced. Charm City, Philly, and Gotham advanced from the East; from the North Central Madison, Minnesota, and Windy City as well. Nashville, Texas, and Kansas City will be representing the South Central; while B.A.D., Oly, and Rocky Mountain battled their way out of the West. Uproar on the Lakeshore is upon us and Roller Derby Inside Track is your one stop shop for the WFTDA Championships.
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We want you to send us photos, videos, and stories about your sport!
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Amber Waves of Pain had a tough act to follow, coming only a week after Rollin' on the River. While derby fans may not have been treated to as many close bouts as they saw at Thunda on the Thundra or Rollin', those fans looking for upsets and a shakeup of rankings in the South Central Region got more than what they bargained for.
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On October 3rd, in the first half of the championship game of the Rollin’ on the River 2010 WFTDA Western Region Tournament, the derby community, event goers, and an international broadcast audience were shocked to see a member of the Rocky Mountain Rollergirls wearing what appeared to be Blackface theatrical makeup. Reactions ranged from shock and outrage to… well… obliviousness. The impact was as far reaching as two discussion forums on the The Internet, Twitter, and Facebook. In those profound discussions the skater’s act has been described as everything from a racist attack to an unfortunate mistake. Most tend to lean toward the unfortunate mistake. But just how much impact can one mistake make on modern roller derby? And why is Jamitinya’s slip garnering so much attention in a community rife with lewd, offensive, and insensitive images and actions at its core?
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][1]The 2 for 1: Tank’s Thoughts on the Western Regionals, South Central Regionals, and Beyond.
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After reading through, Koolaid, good sir, I respectfully disagree with your call.
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