Holy Labor Day Weekend, Batman.  The only play off bound teams playing (that we know of) are Carolina and Atlanta.


Match Up
Caesar Tank Quad Almighty Strawberry Jam Vince Hannity
Saturday September 3rd
Atlanta @ Carolina Carolina Carolina Carolina Carolina Atlanta
Running Totals
Last Week
5-0 (1.0) 5-0 (1.0) 5-0 (1.0) 5-0 (1.0) 4-1 (.80)
208-60 (.78) 198-52 (.79) 183-37 (.83) 221-43 (.84) 200-61 (.77)

Last week  brought perfect records to 4 out of 5 of us.  And now look at Vince going out on his own again.  A win by Atlanta is just what he needs to get out of the .77 slump.

Images courtesy of Strawberry Jam and