This roundup comes from beautiful Winter Park Colorado where I’m waiting out the morning white-out. It’s brought to you by the letters S for Sleep deprivation (or Sailor Jerry) and O for Ouch-my-hyper-extended-thumb (the worst derby injuries happen when you’re not even playing). Once again I’ll attempt to scrape the derbyverse for news and happenings that may matter to you. As always, if I’ve missed something please add it in the comments below or contact us with your stories.

This Week in Derby Discourse
New feature: if you say something intelligent, we might encourage others to read it.

  • In response to Fixing the Big 5 Option 1:
    “I’m not convinced that any kind of clever restructuring is going to eliminate the phenomenon whereby the ruleset itself discourages close games. (There are lots of rules which discourage close games: 2 minute jams, punitive penalties for infractions by jammers, Lead Jammer is retained throughout a jam once won, etc.).” — Hambone, referee (link)
  • In response to Minors Make Me Majorly Pissed:
    ‘I don’t think I’ve ever heard a skater talk about the rules like they have any say in them. What I mean is, I hear skaters say “the rules changed” or “they changed that rule” like they’re talking about the tax code. I’ve never heard a skater say something like, “Yeah, we changed that rule to try to stop so much of x and y from happening” or “We wanted to see more of x and y, so we changed such-and-such rule.”‘ — DrSnarkNStein, fan (link)


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Image courtesy of LeVar Hurtin