Living under a rock like I’ve been the past week? This is for you. As always, if we missed something please add it in the comments below or contact us with your stories.
- WFTDA “clarifies” leaving the track/skating out of bounds. That’s right- it’s a penalty to leave play! Derby is officially one step closer to skate or die.
- Unchained Malady warns us to be wary of referees. I can’t make a comment here without inciting argument, so here goes: Malady- can I be on your team?
- Roller Derby 20XX! It’s a game. Mike Chexx’s high score is 11,573; 1:27- beat it and with a prize! But not really.
- A new month, new WFTDA featured skater and featured league. Maybe they should do featured pundit- there are a ton of us…
- Montreal’s Neon Skates published “How to plan a great derby season.” Pretty insightful stuff from Montreal’s 5-year veteran event coordinator. And here I thought Canadians were only good for music videos…
- Charlotte Speed Demons are getting serious about being recognized as a sport. The sport vs. spectacle balance is being tested in 2011. I’ll meet it half way by legally changing my name to Speed Bump.
- Tweakers mess with the wrong girls- Fresno’s NoTown Roller Derby. Is the price of copper really that good? Maybe I’ll change my line of work…
The biggest complaint has been that we could only fit five teams in the game and one music track. But, given the limitations of a 40mb max file size on WiiWare, this is a complaint that we can live with.
Another Jam City interview, this time on Nintendo Life. I live with it by muting the TV.
- Illinois Valley Vixens teach school children to skate (fun video included). Catholic school and roller derby? How much cult exposure do children need, really?
- Science! The bacteria making your pads smelly are playing derby too! Win this bout: wash your gear!
- Bay Area Bombers GM holding art exhibit in San Francisco. You can check out some of his work (some derby related, most not) on his Facebook page.
- Across the Pond: Gloucester derby team on tv! Too bad BBC player blocks it from playing in the States. Afraid we’ll steal your derby secrets?
- Jam the Moose Jaw! This story is so ridiculous I can’t make sense of it… A curling facility in Moose Jaw? The city stepping in to save roller derby? Roller Derby and Gymnastics?!
Photos! A special thanks to all who wrote us last week to submit photos and letters of interest- I’m a little backlogged right now, but I plan to get back to you!
- Portland vs Detroit by Johnny the Knife
- Wheels of Justice by Sharkey
- Rose City’s Heathers vs. High Rollers by Skippy Steve
- Arch Rivals vs Race City Revels by Marc Lebryk
- Oly vs. Detroit by Axle Adams
- SVRG v B.A.D. by LeVar Hurtin’
- SVRG v Bellingham by LeVar Hurtin’
- Oly vs. Detroit by Axle Adams
See more on our Photo Contributors page. As always, if you’d like to contribute photos or other news/media, contact us!