We like to be informed and we like to keep our readers informed, but we don’t have time to cover everything happening in the derby world in the detail we like. So here’s a bite-sized round up of everything we found “roller derby noteworthy” in the month of January, 2011:
- USARS gets FIRS to recognize Derby as an international competitive sport. *I know, I know- this was announced in December but it was during the booze-hazed X-mas/New Years season. I’m also waiting on further comment/explanation from USARS but considering they haven’t even processed my annual insurance payment, I’m not holding my breath for a timely reply.
* - Oly takes advantage of the WFTDA’s lenient rostering rules and drafts Stella Italiana from Iowa [link to Atom Wheels blog ’cause the article no longer appears on the D3 site]. *Is this the first in a future of signing ringers regardless of geographical location?
* - Blood and Thunder’s World Cup coaches have been announced. Coach Pauly is like the least Canadian guy I know, eh?
- Rat City’s season opener supposedly topped 7,000 butts in seats this year. *I think this derby thing might catch on. All you gotta do is get your city to drop their NBA franchise.
* - WFTDA picks up 12 new apprentice leagues. *Thereby reducing your chances of making it to Championship to <3%.
* - WFTDA releases their annual Fan Demographic Survey. *Includes stuff about Men’s derby. They even borrowed my question about whether you’re willing to pay to see streaming content.
* - Tom Brokejaw gives his thoughts on Minor Penalties in response to Tank’s Tirade.
- WFTDA releases 2010 Q4 rankings. *Nothing new for any teams participating in regional tournaments.
* - MNRG announces an odd couple pairing with Semi-Pro Lacross team Minnesota Swarm. *Girls on skates and boys with sticks… I’m gonna stop there. Word on the street is they may be able to beat Rat City’s modern derby attendance record.
* - Jam City Rollergirls is (finally) released for the Wii. *I spent more time purchasing and downloading than I have playing. We’d love to hear your experience!
* - Off-Topic Bonus: Tank does more than just complain about minors- did you know he’s an artist too? Check out this interview on cincyvoices.com
Did we miss a story in our round-up you found worthwhile? Feel free to add it in the comments!
If you’d like to submit news as it happens, contact us! Have a blog or news source you think we should skim read on regular basis? Submit that too.
We’ll be moving the round up to a weekly format so your submitted links probably wont take a month to appear.
More Obscure Stuff:
- Toronto Roller Derby (TORD) goes public activist against their local transit agency after the agency considers closing their bus route. I gotta admit this one tugs at my transportation activist and community involvement heartstrings. Great job keeping transportation alternatives available to your skaters and fans, ladies!
- A Mormon Times article compares Roller Derby to interpersonal squabbles. Umm… I don’t even know what to say here. But it’s kinda funny.
- Portland’s Rose City Rollers are being considered as part of a city facility redevelopment plan. Meanwhile Adelaide Roller Derby (ADRD) in Australia is involved in the restoration of their facility. Just goes to show what community involvement can do for your league and how cities around the globe are embracing derby.
- Plattsburgh, NY based North County Lumber Jills get a write up in the Plattsburgh Press Republic about their commitment to community involvement centered around women’s athletics and healthy image. Finally a team that’s not all about the fishnets, booty shorts, and after parties.
- Breaking the roller derby color barrier- the first black derby skater. And it was a woman! To put it in perspective, that’s 11 years after Jackie Robinson broke the MLB color barrier in 1947 and 8 years after Chuck Cooper was drafted to play in the NBA (1958).
- Photos! All of these photogs gave us permission to use their stuff in articles so of course I’m gonna link their cool sets. See our full list of photogs here.
- Missile America, Rat City Rollergirls by Axle Adams
- Pikes Peak Slamzons 1/22/11 – Mark Bloom
- Nap Town vs. Sioux Falls scrimmage by Marc Lebryk
- Wreck Deckard, RCR Season Opener by Sharkey
- Rose City season opener (that’s where Westerns will be held this year!) by Skippy Steve
- Cincinnati Rollergirls Boot Camp, 2010-11-21 by Jason Bechtel
- Sheila vs Tonka (Santa Cruz Derby Girls) by Nocklebeast
- Pamda Bear, Hellions of Troy Bout 1-15-11 by Pete Rodriguez
Images courtesy of Speed Bump and Nocklebeast